In the early morning I found time to work on the blog. It's kind of like homework. Now that we've started it, the process has sprouted a life of its own. This trip there is myself, Carol, Nicky and The Blog to consider whenever we lay siege to a map.
Got Ulysses out and repaired the leak we discovered on Cayuga Lake. Everything seemed in order, so we launched. I like to row. Moving the boat by the power of my arms connects me to the ancients. The water today was too busy for Carol to read from The Kybalion so we enjoyed just watching the world go by. There were speedboats, water-skiers, floaties, jet skis, canoes, kayaks and fishermen. Life is good from inside of a yellow rubber raft.
After dinner we pulled the collapsible chairs to the edge of the grass where the water whispers to the shore. It's times like these I like to ponder the vagaries of life. Tonight, while taking in the tranquility of this place, I kept thinking about World War I and the calm before that storm. What would happen if China decided to invade Kazakhstan? If oil goes up to $200 a barrel, what's to stop them? Not us, certainly. Will the struggle for raw materials be the next “causi belli” for all industrial nations? I can see wicked things happening over the next several years if nothing is done to wean the world from its addiction to oil. I think T. Boone Pickens got it right about natural gas. If we move in that direction with regards to automobile fuel, it would alleviate a lot of the pressure. I'd better start investing in defense companies like McDonnell Douglas or Lockheed Martin. CLNE... I've got to remember that ticker symbol so as to load up when I get some extra capital.
Ranger talks are always a highlight at state and national parks. Tonights topic was owls. The speaker had two small owls for us to view, and gave an interesting presentation. The owls were spellbinding with their big glowing eyes, and were carried around in chunks of tree with straps on attached. Wish we'd gotten a picture.
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