Wednesday, June 24, 2009
North of Santa Fe we took route 285 to visit our friend, Sunny, presently working as a masseuse in the Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort. Famed for its healing powers since 1830, we enjoyed ourselves immensely as we soaked in the waters and caught up on each other's lives. Sunny and Carol had met while working in Tombstone several years ago. The campground was thinly populated principally due to the swarms of mosquitoes that came to feed every morning and evening.
The next day we hiked above the hot springs and explored an ancient Anasazi settlement called Posi Ruins. There's not much left but a few pottery shards and the outlines of a dwelling or two. However, one could readily see why that particular location was selected. Nestled on a cliff, overlooking a free flowing stream and the hot springs themselves, the Anasazi more than likely spent many hours taking in the waters just as we had. Human beings, regardless of epoch or culture, are more alike than revisionists and imperialists would like us to think.
Later that evening, Sunny treated us to a fabulous dinner at the resort's restaurant, famous for its southwestern cuisine. Afterwards, walking back to the casita (our little trailer), the night sky was full as were our hearts and stomachs. We said our goodbyes, for in the morning we would part company; Carol and I to resume our journey north and Sunny to resume the rhythms of her life.
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